
From GRS Documentation Wiki
Project: RainGuru
Section ARS
Status completed
Start Date 2022-06-01
End Date
Principal Investigator: User:Marc Schleiss
Short Description Rainfall nowcasting using machine learning

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RainGuru logo.pngRainGuru logo

Project Participants

Marc Schleiss

The RainGuRu https://rainguru.tudelft.nl/ is a deep-learning rainfall forecasting model developed by TU Delft researchers and HKV (https://www.hkv.nl/) with the help of seed funding from the TU Delft Safety & Security Institute. The model uses a gated recurrent convolutional neural network known as Traj-GRU, first proposed in 2017 by Shi et al. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03458) and further developed and adapted for the Netherlands by TU Delft master students Eva van der Kooij (2021), Diewertje Dekker (2022) and Yanghuan Zou (2023).

RainGuru comes in two flavors: RainGuru-live https://rainguru.tudelft.nl/, a free, open source alternative to Buienradar for visualizing the latest rainfall forecasts in the Netherlands, visualize real-time rainfall forecasts, calculating key performance metrics and comparing forecasts to past observations.

Rainguru-edu https://rainguru-edu.tudelft.nl a user-friendly platform where students and researchers can upload their own rainfall forecasting models and easily visualize their predictions on famous historical storms. For security reasons, a password is needed to upload a new model. Please contact Marc Schleiss for more information.

MSc thesis Eva van der Kooij: https://repository.tudelft.nl/islandora/object/uuid%3A536b1a77-625c-4476-9354-4d5b259a1080 MSc thesis Diewertje Dekker: https://repository.tudelft.nl/islandora/object/uuid%3A5e61e2a7-bf04-41cd-a66a-68d1ceeb3c99 MSc Yanghuan Zou: https://repository.tudelft.nl/islandora/object/uuid%3A08ee6883-4804-4a3d-809d-7376fa6f41f0