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  • 12:28, 31 July 2024ORCESTRA - BOWTIE (hist | edit) ‎[3,217 bytes]Rob Mackenzie (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Project |hasSection=ARS |hasStatus=on-going |fromDate=2024-07-01 |toDate=2024-09-24 |hasPrincipalInvestigator=Louise Nuijens |hasDescription=NWO M2 project: Clouds as momentum pumps over the ocean. }} Marine clouds, especially during rain, can lead to large wind variability, even at the ocean surface. Our research investigates the influence of wind heterogeneity on the exchange of momentum between the atmosphere and ocean: the wind stress. Using ultra-high resolution s...")
  • 08:58, 30 July 2024STRINQS (hist | edit) ‎[2,679 bytes]Geet George (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Project |hasSection=ARS |hasStatus=on-going |fromDate=2024-07-01 |toDate=2028-06-30 |hasPrincipalInvestigator=Geet George |hasDescription=4 meteorological quadcopter drones for boundary layer measurements }}")
  • 07:32, 10 July 2024Education support policy (hist | edit) ‎[1,955 bytes]Marc Schleiss (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Tutorial |hasDate=2024-07-10 |relatesTo=Education }} Guide for Doctoral Candidates & Supervisors, PhD agreement: * Teaching and/or other activities are part of a PhD's work / education * Approximately 10-15% of the working time of a PhD (170 - 250 hours) should be spent on educational support * Educational support activities do not necessarily need to relate to the topic of the PhD * PhD candidates gain Doctoral school credits for educational support * Planning...")
  • 10:26, 26 June 2024SMARTER (hist | edit) ‎[625 bytes]Marc Schleiss (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Project |hasSection=ARS |hasStatus=on-going |fromDate=2023-09-01 |toDate=2027-12-31 |hasPrincipalInvestigator=Marc Schleiss |hasDescription=Strategic Monitoring of Atmospheric Threats with Enhanced Radar }} Project SMARTER (Strategic Monitoring of Atmospheric Threats using Enhanced Radar) is a NWO funded project aimed at making weather radar networks more adaptive and collaborative. Instead of operating independently from each other in a traditional sit-and-spin fashio...")
  • 09:56, 12 June 2024Security Vision (hist | edit) ‎[356 bytes]Andre Castro (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Research Project |hasTitle=Security Vision |hasDiscriptiveTitle=How do technologies of computer vision, which promise to replace humans in the understanding of images, work in practice in the field of security, and what are their ethical and political implications? |hasPrincipalInvestigator=Francesco Ragazzi }}")