MSc thesis - rules and procedure

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MSc thesis - rules and procedure
last updated
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The procedure is the same for all CEG MSc programs/tracks. Note that the procedure below only applies for students in the new MSc program; for students in the old track the "old" procedure is still in place.

  • The Green Light meeting must be attended by the full assessment committee (can be hybrid meeting). Note that the "defense" is now part of the Green Light meeting
  • Student will give short presentation (~20 min.), followed by defense
  • It is advised to reserve at least 1.5 hours in total
  • The committee makes a preliminary assessment using the thesis rubric
  • After the Green Light students can still make revisions to the thesis based on the feedback, and they plan the final presentation
  • Final presentation is 30 min. followed by public Q&A (questions from audience incl. committee members). After that the committee withdraws for the final assessment and then announces the result.

link to grading rubric:


1. Thesis preparation (AESM6000) [5 EC], is offered each quarter.

  • Students start their graduation project in consultation with their supervisor(s). This means they need to have a topic and supervisor before they can start.
  • The final deliverable of the thesis preparation phase is a Research Proposal, including planning.
  • During the preparation, students shall plan regular meetings with their supervisor(s) to discuss plans and progress.
  • Students will receive some guidance (Brightspace resources and plenary sessions) to help them. For example, on information literacy, writing, defining research questions, plagiarism, planning etc.
  • By the end of the quarter they should plan a final meeting with their supervisor(s) to discuss the Research proposal.
  • A grading form will be provided (Pass/Fail on several criteria). In case of a Fail on one or more criteria, students must improve. The thesis can only be started once a Pass on all criteria has been obtained.

2. Thesis (AESM7000) [30 EC = 20 weeks]

  • There should at least be a Midterm and Green Light meeting. Student and supervisors agree on frequency and times of other progress meetings.
  • Green Light meeting is to be held with complete committee: student submits complete final draft of thesis before the meeting. During the meeting student gives short presentation to committee, and committee asks questions (= defence). 
  • Performance in Green Light meeting is part of the assessment (it is strongly advised to fill in the grading sheet immediately after the Green Light, adjustments can be made after the final presentation).
  • In case of a Green Light: student plans final presentation, and revises the thesis if needed.
  • If draft thesis and/or performance insufficient: student needs to improve and plan new meeting.

3. Final presentation

  • 30 minutes followed by public Q&A (no closed door defence, this is part of Green Light meeting).
  • Final assessment by committee after the final presentation based on assessment rubric.